
The Ninety Blog

  • Strategic Leadership: Navigate the 90/80/70/60/50% Principle for Maximum Impact

    In the dynamic landscape of organizational leadership and development, Founders/CEOs play a pivotal role in setting the vision and strategic direction for their companies. The 90/80/70/60/50 principle offers a guiding framework for how everyone from the ...

  • Discover Your Entrepreneurial Archetype: Explore the Big Five and Identify Yours

    Entrepreneurship encompasses a diverse range of types, motivations, and goals. Recognizing your specific entrepreneurial type can quickly enhance your potential and ensure you make the most of your journey.

  • Team Ninety member working remote in the woods or garden

    Cultivating Success: The Art and Strategy of Business Growth

    To non-gardeners, the blooming of a lush garden can feel like an act of sorcery. “How did you manage to grow all that?” they might marvel. The simple truth is that a masterful gardener knows they cannot claim the garden’s growth as their success alone. ...